AIS Processes

Dropping other majors/minors on AIS during changes of major/minor:

The new department/program advisor should drop any other majors by overriding existing majors on AIS when a student is declaring a new single major.  Students should not have to do two forms or visit two departments. However, when a student is JUST dropping a program and keeping one that is already declared, that should be done at the dropped department. (Students sometimes don't realize they CAN complete the major if classes can be double-counted, or that they can change to a minor.  The department advisor for the major the student is planning to drop is the best person to advise a student on that.) A courtesy email should be sent to the department that is being dropped during a change.

Responsibility for Adding/Deleting Plans in AIS:

  • Colleges are responsible for adding/changing proposed majors. Departments may do this on occasion as well.
  • Department/program advising office will add/delete majors/minors.
  • Department/ program advising office will delete proposed majors when the student is declaring a major.

If a student meets with a department advisor and is interested in pursuing the major but isn’t ready to or can’t declare the major, the department/program advisor may add or change the student's proposed major online. Because the colleges keep track of which students have changed majors as part of first year advising, the department advisor should notify the college that they have made the change.

A student cannot have a declared major AND a proposed major in AIS at the same time.  In the case of a declared student wishing to add or change to a new major (but who is not able to declare because the requirements for declaring have not been met), the advisor will issue a permission number for enrollment in the major-restricted courses if appropriate.

It is not possible for a student to drop a declared major and change to a proposed or undeclared major. The major will be changed when the student declares the new major.

Disqualification from the Major:  

If a student is disqualified from the major, the department changes the major in AIS to “UND” and notifies the student, the Office of the Registrar and the college via e-mail.  The college will counsel the student regarding options for declaring a new major.  College will enter new proposed major if known.  If the student is a junior or above, the college will make sure that the student declares a new major as soon as possible.

Program Action Notes:

  • DATA/DISC status:  Do not enter a new major if the student’s program action is DISC.  The college or department should send the plan change paperwork to the Registrar’s Office to update the Plan.
  • DATA/ACAN, DATA/RSCH, and DATA/(blank) rows:  Do not add rows for students in any of these categories.  Contact the Registrar’s Office.

Plan Sequence – Multiple Plans:

Plan sequence determines the order in which the major(s) and college appears on the transcript.  Plans should be alphabetical within the grouping in the following order to keep the information on the transcript consistent:

First: Degree (B.A., then B.M., then B.S.)

Second:  Major/s (A-Z)

Third:  Minor/s (A-Z)

Fourth:  College

When entering a major or majors on AIS, update the sequencing in order to maintain consistency.  To update sequences, override or add the correct majors and update the sequencing numbers.  Updating the sequence does not affect declaration, just the order in which plans appear on the transcript.
