Getting Started in Anthropology: Fall 2024 Transfers


Students are admitted to UC Santa Cruz with a "proposed major" in most cases, and later petition to officially declare the major. Admission does not guarantee acceptance into a particular major, although transfer students' records are screened for preparation for many majors at the time of admission. Junior transfer students must be formally declared by the deadline in their second quarter of enrollment.

Qualification requirements and/or prerequisites for the major:

Review Major Qualification Requirements in the General Catalog.

Transfer students who intend to pursue this major should do the following prior to the beginning of their first term…

Students should review the major requirements in the General Catalog. Students can also review the Undergraduate Handbook. A solid understanding of the requirements provides students with an invaluable head start to their college career and the major.

...and should take these courses their first term:

Transfer students who have not completed the equivalent of ANTH 1, 2 and 3 before transferring should complete those courses at UCSC as soon as possible. We strongly recommend transfer students take no more than two upper-division anthropology courses their first quarter in order to adjust to the program. If students have completed the required prerequisites, students should take ANTH 150: Communicating Anthropology and one additional upper-division anthropology course (ANTH 100-199) their first quarter.

If unable to enroll in the courses listed above:

Contact the Anthropology Department if you have any difficulty enrolling. Enroll in an alternate class and enroll on the waitlist for your first choice class when wait lists become available (use the swap function if enrolled in an alternate class). Plan to attend the first day of instruction for the course even if you are not auto-enrolled in the course by the beginning of the term.

Special enrollment procedures:

Enroll in classes during your online enrollment appointment time.

Although not required for the major, students in this major might benefit from:

Although courses offered outside the Anthropology Department will NOT be counted toward anthropology major requirements, students are encouraged to take courses in other disciplines that will assist in further developing their area of interest.

Other Information:

The major does not offer concentrations; all students take courses in archaeology, biological, and cultural anthropology. Students can choose to take additional courses in a specific area. See course listings in the Program Description to verify which category courses fit into.

Links to Review:

Program Description (Catalog)

Department Website

Anthropology Advising


Advisor Contact Information:

Mariela Ramirez; (831) 459-3320

361 Social Sciences 1
