Getting started in Education, Justice, and Democracy: Fall 2024 Entering Frosh


Students are admitted to UCSC with a "proposed major" in most cases, and later petition to officially declare the major. Admission to UCSC does not guarantee acceptance into a particular major. Students must be declared in a major by the end of the second year (or equivalent), so learning about and preparing for a major is a primary goal for first-year students.

Importance of an early start:

This major is not highly sequential or course intensive. Although it is advisable to begin taking courses toward the major in the first year, it is not required.

Qualification requirements and/or prerequisites for the major:

Review Major Qualification Requirements in the General Catalog.

Frosh who intend to pursue this major should do the following things prior to the beginning of fall term...

Review information about the major in the General Catalog

...and should take these courses their first term:

EDUC 60 (students may also wait until winter or spring to take this class)

Special enrollment procedures:

Enroll online during your enrollment appointment.

Sample Academic Plan:

Review the Sample Academic Plan in the General Catalog.

Other Information:

Students can choose an area of emphasis by taking either EDUC 180: Intro to Teaching or EDUC 110: Popular Education, Democracy, and Social Movements. If a student takes both, 110 can count as one of the upper division electives. 

Links to Review:

Program Description (Catalog)

Department Website

Advisor Contact Information:

Amy Raedeke
