Getting Started in Community Studies: Fall 2024 Transfers


Students are admitted to UC Santa Cruz with a "proposed major" in most cases, and later petition to officially declare the major. Admission does not guarantee acceptance into a particular major, although transfer students' records are screened for preparation for many majors at the time of admission. Junior transfer students must be formally declared by the deadline in their second quarter of enrollment.

Qualification requirements and/or prerequisites for the major:

Review transfer information and policy, getting started, and major qualification requirement sections in the General Catalog.

Transfer students who intend to pursue this major should do the following prior to the beginning of their first term…

Students who have taken a college-level transferable class that may be equivalent to CMMU 10: Introduction to Community Activism should submit an unofficial transcript and course syllabus to the Community Studies Advisor prior to July 1 for review. This transcript is in addition to the official transcript that is required by the UCSC Admissions Office.

Please contact the Community Studies Advisor prior to the beginning of your first quarter at UCSC to complete your academic plan for timely graduation.

...and should take these courses their first term:

CMMU 10: Introduction to Community Activism (only offered in the summer and fall quarters), and a topical course.

If unable to enroll in the courses listed above:

Contact the major advisor at

Special enrollment procedures:

Enroll in classes during your online enrollment appointment time.

Although not required for the major, students in this major might benefit from:

Students may take classes that offer background in their intended area of focus (economic justice and/or health justice); many students benefit from taking courses in Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, Politics, Latin American and Latinx Studies, Economics, or History.

Other Information:

The Community Studies program can easily accommodate students who transfer to UCSC for the fall quarter provided they complete the major declaration requirements by the end of the fall quarter. Transfer students must complete major declaration courses in the fall in order to declare the major and proceed with the core curriculum. The major requires a two-quarter full-time 6-month field study (30 credits), and includes concentrations in economic justice and/or health justice.

Links to Review:

Program Description (Catalog)

Department Website


Advisor Contact Information:

Community Studies advising

Rachel Carson College 128
