Getting Started in Music: "2024 Transfers"


Students are admitted to UC Santa Cruz with a "proposed major" in most cases, and later petition to officially declare the major. Admission does not guarantee acceptance into a particular major, although transfer students' records are screened for preparation for many majors at the time of admission. Junior transfer students must be formally declared by the deadline in their second quarter of enrollment.

Qualification requirements and/or prerequisites for the major:

Review Major Qualification Requirements in the General Catalog.

The Music majors at UCSC do not require pre-screened portfolios or applications. All students will be able to begin the major-level coursework in their first term, provided they take part in any auditions or placement exams required for their chosen major track.

Transfer students who intend to pursue this major should do the following prior to the beginning of their first term…

  • We strongly advise transfer students interested in the B.M. major or “Western Art Music” concentration of the B.A. major to complete an audition prior to arrival in the fall. Students who do not meet the level required on an instrument will not be able to declare the major due to performance requirements. If an audition prior to the fall is not possible, students can also audition on Tues., Sept. 24, 2024 from 1:00PM-4:00PM in the Music Center Building.
  • We strongly recommend ALL transfer students call the Undergraduate Advisor for email, phone or Zoom advising prior to the fall.

...and should take these courses their first term:

  • MUSC 30A: Theory, Literature, and Musicianship I  - required for the “Contemporary Practices” or “Western Art Music” tracks of the B.A. degree, and the B.M. degree. Placement into MUSC 30A is decided via the Music Theory Placement Exam, happening on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 from 10:00AM-12:30PM in the Music Center Recital Hall. No signup is necessary for the exam, but students should bring a pencil. Students who don’t place into MUSC 30A can take one of our preparatory theory & musicianship courses, MUSC 13 & 14 in Fall. Placing into MUSC 13 or 14 instead of 30A as a transfer student may affect time to degree, especially for students who wish to pursue the Music B.M. or “Western Art Music” Music B.A. tracks. Students in the “Global Musics” track of the Music B.A. degree who test into MUSC 30A via the Exam do not have to take MUSC 14.
  • MUSC lower division history/culture lectures (MUSC 11, 80, 81-series) - required for “Contemporary Practices” and “Global Musics” concentrations of the B.A. degree only. If you have taken music appreciation or topical Music courses at another institution, you may be able to petition to have them count towards major requirements. Contact the major advisor for further details.
  • Ensembles and workshops (various course numbers) - required for all three concentrations of the Music B.A. degree, as well as the B.M. degree.


  • MUSC 61: Individual Lessons(half hour) OR MUSC 62: Individual Lessons (one hour) - required for the B.M. degree and “Western Art Music” concentration of the B.A. degree only, but eligible for certain practical elements of the other major tracks

If unable to enroll in the courses listed above:

Meet with Music advisor to discuss options.

Special enrollment procedures:

Individual lessons and ensembles require an audition. Please contactapplied faculty and ensemble directors directly to schedule auditions.

Many of our courses (including lessons and ensembles) have special enrollment conditions. The description for the class in the Schedule of Classes will have details.

Although not required for the major, students in this major might benefit from:

The suggested course load is two major classes per quarter; if students do not have additional general education requirements to satisfy, they can utilize the third course each quarter to pursue other interests.

Students will also typically take one or two ensemble courses per quarter, which are two credits each.

In addition, students are welcome to take any courses from our MUSC 11/80/81 series. These are large-lecture style courses that topically cover different areas of musical history/culture.

Other Information:

Music Department Orientation - Tuesday, September 24, 2024 from 9:00AM -9:45AM in the Music Center recital Hall.

If you are unable to attend the Orientation, you will be able to view a recording after the fact on the Music Department website. Contact for further details.

Please note, many of our courses (including lessons and ensembles) have special enrollment conditions. The description for the class in the Schedule of Classes will have details.

Individual lessons are not for beginners, and are offered only on standard orchestral instruments, as well as drum set and jazz bass.

Links to Review:

Program Description (Catalog)

Department Website


Advisor Contact Information:

Cory Graves-Montalbano

(831) 459-2804 or
Music Center 246
